
Rorg - Fearless Hunter, Masterful Lover!

  Alerted by piercing screams, the fearless hunter Rorg charges through the forest, his long and girthy manhood slapping rhythmically against his muscled inner thighs as he gracefully leaps across rocks and gullies towards the source of the commotion. He is soon confronted by a harrowing sight! A beautiful young woman cowers next to a giant boulder, her perfectly formed breasts heaving with terror, erect nipples straining against the flimsy fabric of her tunic. Rorg follows her gaze, his taut torso surging with adrenaline; towering above them is the monstrous, drooling head of a ravenous T-Rex, its razor-sharp teeth glinting in the sunlight, drool dripping from its fearsome jaws. In a death-defying display of bravery and athleticism Rorg scales the boulder closest to the terrifying beast and without a second thought for his own safety heroically launches himself at its head, his granite-like fist connecting squarely with its snout. The T- Rex shrieks with pain and immediately turns and
  Okay, NOW they're officially married!

Lights, Couch, Action!


Raj's Counter Campaign

Raj tears off his clothes and lifts Cookie onto the counter. She isn’t wearing any underwear, just as he likes. The way he plunges inside her is heated and savage. She wonders dazedly what changed his mind about slow fucking on the couch. Her nails with their demure French manicure claw at the marble counter top as he thrusts deep between her glistening golden thighs. After a few moments she asks him weakly if she can take her clothes off, she’s getting too hot and sweaty and her beautiful designer silk dress will soon be creased beyond all salvation! “No,” says Raj, and forces her leg higher, his fingers burning her flesh, “I don’t want to stop,” and she makes no further protest, her eyes closed and little whimpers falling from her lips as he continues his pounding, until he makes one final shuddering gasp and then becomes still, his cheek resting against her shoulder, his breath ragged in her ear.  "I love you," she mouths silently, stroking the nape of his neck with her ma

Mia and Isaac

  Poses by yorithesims:

What the Motel Ghosts Saw Next
